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UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

02-12-2024 09:24:33

Sardamatic Grinder 12v. Std. & Variabel



Flere og flere lystfiskere tager sydover til Adriaterhavet for at fiske tun, sværdfisk, hajer, rokker mm. Chancen har aldrig været større end den er lige netop nu for at fange en tun fra egen småbåd!


Big Game fiskeriet dyrkes mest fra drivende båd med død og levende agnfisk, hvor der chummes med fiskemos og fiskestykker - en VILDT effektiv metode!


Ligeledes en voldsom effektiv metode, når der fiskes makreller,


Pga. stor efterspørgelse, da har vi bestilt en håndfuld maskiner hjem tilsalg i butikken.



It is the ideal machine for practising successfully the bonito, mackerel, scad and little tuna fish light drifting.
Great to call to surface seabream and breamblack, it is often used for power chumming, that is the fast tow line new technique, providing both for the scouring of the same 8 shaped track and at the same time for the ground baiting with ground sardines.
Together with our sardine dispenser, it is a winning pair for the giant tuna fish, shark and big predatory fish fishing.

Our automatic machine slowly grinds sardines and other groundbaiting fish straight overboard.
The considerable produced wake of fresh grinding is composed of pieces, mush and blood, this one fundamental to call back fish, also attracted by its smell.
Compared with other ground baiting hung overboard in a small sack, soon losing their best essences, thus becoming less and less effective with the passing of time, our ground baiting is always effective and will also let you have a great economic saving because, as you know, whole sardines are less expensive.

Our machine has got a very low current use and can contain about 3.5 kg of fish to be ground; it does not require the constant presence of an operator and it will keep on working automatically till the container is empty.

The full container average length of time in the basic model is 20 minutes, while in the two more sophisticated ones, where it is possible to regulate electronically the grinding flux to conform it to the leeway conditions, the full container length of time can be longer.
The machine is very light, it is not bulky and is fixed completely overboard; it is equipped with a plastic support to be fixed on the boat.
The machine can be installed on it by means of a hand wheeler.

The machine is also equipped with a standard draw-plate. Other optional draw-plates making a finer, bigger, mixed or more abundant grinding can be required.
The control box is swiftly detachable for an easy washing of the mechanic part, even by immersion.

YouTube video Grinder


Nyhed!. Nu kommer denne smarte og effektive grinder i en budget version hakker lige så godt som luksus modellen man har blot ikke mulighed for at styre fart eller timer. Den kører på maks fart kontinuerligt.



Sardamatic Grinder 12v. variabel
Model / str. J & F pris
Sardamatic 306 rodholder support 649,- +
Sardamatic Grinder 12v. Fast hastighed 4.399,- +
Sardamatic Grinder 12v. variabel 5.799,- +


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