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UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

01-04-2022 11:12:39

Sardamatic Chum Dispenser




Flere og flere lystfiskere tager sydover til Adriaterhavet for at fiske tun, sværdfisk, hajer, rokker mm.


Chancen har aldrig været større end den er lige netop nu for at fange en tun fra egen småbåd!


Big Game fiskeriet dyrkes mest fra drivende båd med død og levende agnfisk, hvor der chummes med fiskemos og fiskestykker - en VILDT VILDT effektiv metode!


Ligeledes en voldsom effektiv metode, når der fiskes makreller,


Pga. stor efterspørgelse, da har vi bestilt en håndfuld maskiner hjem tilsalg i butikken.


Lev. Marts-April 2013.



Denne maskine fungerer ved at smide fiskestykker eller hele fisk i vandet med et bestemt interval. Maskinen har påmonteret et transportbånd med små kroge, som kan styres med interval og fungerer vha. fotocelle registrering.


Et gennemtestet produkt, som vi selv har brugt gennem flere sessioner!


Der kan justeres op og ned for intervallet på maskinen og maskinen bruger 12 eller 24v.


Maskinen kan have max 5kg fiski bakken på én gang. Den bruger 0,6 AMp / H når den står på timer og 1,8 AMp/H når den kører kontinuerligt.


Hvis bakken er tom eller der ikke kommer fiskestykker ud gennem maskinen vil en alarm lyde.


Maskinen kan adskilles fra den elektroniske del.


Vægt: 6,5 kg. samlet.


Der medfølger beslag til montering af maskinen på båden.


It is an ideal machine for loose feeding giant tuna, shark and sword fish at night, apart from big predatory fish in drift fishing. It lets you keep on baiting during a fight and consequently hold back the shoal at your disposal.

You do not have to lose your time in the sardine manual throwing or to be imbued with bad smells and all this with a very low current use.
The bait container can be filled with sardines, either entire or previously cut bait fish or with both simultaneously.

The machine is equipped with two working functions: “continuous and “timer”.
In the “continuous “ function the machine continuously ejects sardines, and thus you can effect the so called “grazing”, by means of your eight knot boat speed, useful to obtain a long wake swiftly, thus increasing your chances to seize a fish at once.
In case of dead calm, you can alternate the so called grazing with a period of leeway, which will let you scour a wider sea area.

The timer function lets you feed the fish automatically during the leeway or with your anchored boat.
Thanks to the timer the operator can set up the throwing frequency, of sardines ,one by one from 5 to 55 seconds, while the photocell controls the passage. This way you will get an ideal wake under any conditions of wind or tidal current.
The bait container can contain about 5 Kg. of sardines, thus having about one hour autonomy, depending on the chosen throwing time and the sardine size.

A hooter rings when the container is empty.The control box is swiftly detachable for an easy washing of the mechanic part, even by immersion.
The machine is equipped with a plastic support to be fixed on the boat. The machine can be installed on it by means of a hand wheeler.
In addition, it can also be furnished a support, giving you the possibility to fix the machine on any rod holder.




CM 50 X 36 X 48h


12V (on request 24V)


6,5 Kg

Bait content

5 Kg

Control photo cell



YES from 5 to 55 sec

Empty container alarm


Average elec. consumpt. in timer function

0,6 A/h

Average elec. consumpt. in continuos function

1,8 A/h



You Tube video Chum dispenser


Sardamatic Chum Dispenser
Model / str. J & F pris
Sardamatic 306 rodholder support 649,- +
Sardamatic Chum Dispenser - fotocelle 9.499,- +


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