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29-01-2025 14:40:43

Savage Gear Line Thru Seeker "Loose Scale"

LT Seeker er gennemløbsversionen af ISP Seeker. Som den fastmonterede Seeker ISP så går denne også godt igennemvandet og rotere nemt. 
Vi fører denne i 18g. og 6 farver. 

Farve: Motoroil

Farve: Brown Copper

Farve: Black Red

Farve: Sandeel

Farve: Pink White

Farve: Herring


Procucentens beskrivelse: 
The Line Thru Seeker is made for long distance casting even in windy conditions. The blade design allows the lure to swim in a lively and erratic way, with the most incredible 360-degree rotation on the spin-stop, so that the lure spins away from the centreline. Hold on to your rod because this drives the trout crazy, resulting in very hard strikes.Each lure is supplied with an ultra-sharp treble hook, several different colour soft beads and clear hard beads, to protect the knot.When a trout is hooked, the lure runs freely up the line and the fish cannot use the weight of the lure to throw the hook. The Photo Print colours are made with sandeel details and offer a simply superb finish.


Line Thru design

Lively and erratic action

2 clear hard beads, 1 fluo orange soft and 1 fluo red soft.

36-degree rotation on the spin-stop

Ring rigged SGY 1X #5 hooks for both sizes


60 Lures Stikpillen
Stikpillen Farve Vægt JoF Pris
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Motoroil 18g 69,- +
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Brown Copper 18g 69,- +
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Black Red 18g 69,- +
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Sandeel 18g 69,- +
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Pink White 18g 69,- +
Savage Gear LT Seeker Loose Scale Herring 18g 69,- +


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