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16-10-2013 12:25:48

Pro Softhead

Slip for epoxy og andre typer lim når du ska ha hoved eller øjne på dine fluer. Med Pro Softhead går det som en leg.

Føres kun i klar.

Citat fra Pro Sportfisher:
"No more sticky epoxy fingers and unnessary heavy flies when creating flies with baitfish style heads. Our Pro Softheads fits on all our tubes but will of course also fits your favourite hooks. Mount in on the head of the fly, and create a super base for adding stick-on-eyes on your fly. Ideel for baitfish-patterns, but many trout, salmon or steelhead flies will be perfectly matched and upgraded by the Pro Softhead."
Pro Softhead
Produkt Str. Farve Vejl. pris
Pro Softhead XS/4mm Klar 40,- +
Pro Softhead S/6mm Klar 40,- +
Pro Softhead M/8mm Klar 40,- +
Pro Softhead L/10mm Klar 40,- +
Pro Softhead XL/12mm Klar 40,- +


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