Jagt og Fiskerimagasinet 

UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

24-01-2025 18:13:29

SA Magnitude Grand Slam

Designet med den nyeste teknologi indenfor flueline verdenen.


Using naturally buoyant polymers, we’ve created the next generation of clear floating lines. With the option of a 10‘ clear floating tip that allow the angler to track the fly and a full clear floating line for the ultimate stealthy presentation.

Enhanced with EST+ slickness additive for unmatched durability, smoother shooting, and eco-friendly performance

Shooting Texture reduces friction to deliver longer casts

The perfect line for bonefish, tarpon, and permit on the flats; also great for snook, redfish, and sea trout

Overweighted by .75 sizes to load rods quickly; Short, powerful head turns over long leaders with heavy flies

SA MAG T GRND SLM WF X F (X = line weight)

S.A. Mastery GPX
Model Klasse # Densitet Vejl. pris
SA Magnitude Grand Slam / Horizion/Clear WF9 F 1.749,- +
SA Magnitude Grand Slam / Horizion/Clear WF10 F 1.749,- +


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