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UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

24-01-2025 17:56:11

SA Magnitude Bonefish Plus

En af de bedste bonefish flueliner på markedet. Designet med den nyeste teknologi indenfor flueline verdenen.



Using naturally buoyant polymers, we’ve created the next generation of clear floating lines. With the option of a 10‘ clear floating tip that allow the angler to track the fly and a full clear floating line for the ultimate stealthy presentation.

Enhanced with EST+ slickness additive for unmatched durability, smoother shooting, and eco-friendly performance

Shooting Texture reduces friction to deliver longer casts

Based on our popular Grand Slam taper profile, Bonefish Plus boasts an extended head length and lighter, half-heavy, weight, but maintains the short front taper to cast long leaders with ease

SA MAG T BNFSH PLUS WF X F (X = line weight)

S.A. Mastery Tarpon
Model Klasse # Densitet Vejl. pris
SA Magnitude Bonefish Plus / Full Clear WF8 F 1.749,- +
SA Magnitude Bonefish Plus / Ivory/Clear WF9 F 1.749,- +
SA Magnitude Bonefish Plus / Ivory/Clear WF8 F 1.749,- +


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