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UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

24-02-2025 14:29:26

Westin W6 Popping

En serie af stærke, men alligevel ret lette stænger udviklet specielt med Popper fiskeri for øje.

Stængerne findes som 3-delte eller 4-delte i forskellige kastevægte.

En Toray kulfiberklinge der er monteret med nogle af de bedste fittings fra Fuji.

Leveres i kraftig blå stangpose.




Producentens beskrivelse:

When fishing at a remote tropical destination no failures are allowed. Our rod designers knew this, when we asked them to make a range of rods that will make even the best reels break, if the rods are pushed to the max! Westin W6 Popping are designed for casting poppers and wrestling with rooster fish, GT's, cubera snappers and all other tough, tropical species. The rods feature saltwater super grade EVA handles, Fuji® DPS reel seat and Fuji® SiC guides. These rods will wrestle any monster fish and since they fit into your luggage, you will avoid airline restrictions and all the 'following-the-rules-monsters' waiting at the check in counter.

Saltwater super grade EVA handle

Reel Seat: Fuji® DPS with unique rubber coating

Guides: Fuji® SiC MN / Fuji® K-series SiC guides

Blank: Torayca® High Performance Carbon for superior action and casting

Reinforced with 90° Carbon

Maximum strength joints

Delivered in padded cloth bag

Unique serial number on all rods

PE6- 10 Max Power 12 kg / 22 kg

Westin W6 Popping
Vare: Model: Vejl: Nu:
Westin W6 Popping 7,1´ / 213cm - ML 30-120g - 3-delt 2.899,- 2.499,- +
Westin W6 Popping 8´ / 240cm - L 20-100g - 4-delt 3.099,- 2.699,- +
Westin W6 Popping 7,8" / 230cm - M 40-140g - 3-delt 3.199,- 2.799,- +
Westin W6 Popping 7,8" / 230cm - MH 100-180g - 3-delt 3.199,- 2.799,- +


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