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20-10-2015 13:44:47

Savage Gear Finezze Softlure 8'3" 250cm M 12-35g - 2sec


The Finesse series is designed for optimized lure control and feeling when fishing with Finesse
style lures - both hard and soft. These rods are ideal for twitching hard lures, whacky and drop
shot and vertical fishing with a superb "Real Feel" weight balance, that gives you an optimized
lure feeling. The Line Flow tapered Micro guide system gives you perfect long and controlled
casts, less tangles and wind knots and amazing accuracy. The Finesse series - perfection for
modern lure fishing!

Super light and sensitive blanks, perfected for soft lure fishing - hits
on the drop, superior sensitivity, hook sets and fights on thin inelastic
braided lines - all handled perfect with these superb rods!

Savage Gear Finezze Softlure
Model / str. Vejl. Pris JoF pris
Savage Gear Finezze Softlure 8'3" 250cm M 12-35g - 2sec 1.499,- 1.299,- +


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