Jagt og Fiskerimagasinet 

BLACK! Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

27-06-2017 08:40:27

Guideline CATCH & RELEASE KIT - kombi vejeslynge + 50kg digitalvægt

Super fint kit til Predatorefiskeren indeholdende kombi lynbar vejeslynge & sack til opbevaring og vejning af trofæfisk.

Der medfølger kompakt digitalvægt op til 50kg med 10gram interval og gummi målebånd i fin kvalitet.

Det hele er pakket i praktisk vandtæt pose, så en evt våd sack efter brug ikke gør ens andre ting i fisketasken våde og lugtende :-)

• A set of water resistant, lightweight digital hanging scale with
easy to-read, LED display on top, directly in the handle weigh up to
50 kg / 110 lb with an accuracy of 10 grams / 0.02 lb.

• A solid plastic 150 cm / 59 inch long tailor measuring tape. A
tape that won’t fail after use in water.

• A Large, zippered weighing sling made from strong lightweight
mesh. Comes with a cover and can be stored in your vest, jacket or
daypack. Handy and easy to use when you need to weigh that big
fish you want to release to swim another day.

Size: 115 x 55 cm.

A complete kit to help you register the weight and length of your trophy sized fish in the best possible way, without causing unnecessary stress and injury to it.

Model / str. Vejl. pris JoF pris
Guideline CATCH & RELEASE KIT - vejeslynge-sack - målebånd - 50kg. digitalvægt i transportpose 599,- 399,- +


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