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UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

29-01-2025 10:42:23

Westin Bullteez Curltail - 8+10cm

Super effektiv lille jig til aborrefiskeriet. Vi fører disse i 6 farver i 8cm og 10cm.. 
​​​​​​​Sælges stykvis. 

Farve: Bass Orange

Farve: Bling Pearch

Farve: Dirty Harbour

Farve: Motoroil Pepper

Farve: Pearl Sand

Farve: UV Craw


Producentens beskrivelse: 

The Bullteez Curltail, the name says it all. A combination of the Bullteez and a curltail. This lure is the perfect complement to the well-known big fish magnet the Bullteez Shadtail. With its rolling action and fluttering curltail, this lure seduces even the trickiest fish to attack. Retrieve your Bullteez Curltail super-slow in deep water, or speed it up and fish it fast over shallow weeds. This is the perfect choice for predators such as pike, perch, and zander. The Bullteez Curltail can easily be fished with shallow rigs, or right down in the depths with a regular jig head. For a weedless presentation with an offset hook we have equipped the Bullteez Curltail with slots in belly and back. Perfect for fishing round structure and through weeds!

Free from toxic phthalates

Realistic eyes

Curltail moves at super-slow speed

Rolling belly action

Slots in back and belly for offset rigging






Savage Gear Cutbait Herring spare tails
Model / str. Vejl. pris JoF pris
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: Bass Orange 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: Bling Perch 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: Dirty Harbour 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: Motoroil Pepper 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: Pearl Sand 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 8cm Frv: UV Craw 15,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: Bass Orange 20,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: Bling Perch 20,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: Dirty Harbour 20,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: Motoroil Pepper 20,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: Pearl Sand 20,- +
Westin Bullteez Curltail 10cm Frv: UV Craw 20,- +


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