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18-10-2013 08:06:39

Pro Jungle Cock HD

Citat fra Pro Sportfisher:
"We are very proud to present the best substitute ever made. Through advanced printing and cutting technology we have created a photorealistic substitute that is far stronger than the original, and have some features like being able to bend and shape it to the desired profile by pulling the JC`HD between your thumps. Add to this the precise cut and you have a product that is not only environmental sustainable but perfect every time. A layer of UV Varnish completes the 3D effect and even hard core old school flytyers have a hard time telling the difference between the real thing and the Pro Jungle cock HD."

Pro Jungle Cock HD
Produkt Farve Str. Vejl. pris
Pro Jungle Cock HD Natur 20mm 89,- +
Pro Jungle Cock HD Natur 40mm 89,- +
Pro Jungle Cock HD Natur 30mm 89,- +


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