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18-10-2013 15:33:06

Fish Skull Articulated Big Game Shank

Kan både bruges som enkelt styks eller sættes sammen til en leddelt flue ligesom "Articulated Fish Spine", dog med en kraftigere wire en de alm. shanks. Perfekt til Geddefluer.

Citat fra Flymen:

"Based upon the original Articulated Shank created by Flymen Fishing Company in 2011, the Articulated Big Game Shank is optimized for both strength and fly length allowing you to tie big flies that can hook, hold and land large, predatory game-fish."

Key Features:

Fish Skull Articulated Big Game Shank
Produkt Str. Vejl. pris
Fish Skull Articulated Big Game Shank 12 stk 80mm 80,- +
Fish Skull Articulated Big Game Shank 16 stk 40mm 80,- +
Fish Skull Articulated Big Game Shank 20 stk 28mm 80,- +


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