Jagt og Fiskerimagasinet 

UDSALG ´25 Fisk Fritid Jagt Info Søg

07-07-2023 11:39:38

Mustad Demon & Tuna Circle 10/0 - 12/0 - 15/0


Super circle enkeltkroge fra Norske Mustad i topkvalitet! Den lange krog-spids gør lige præcis denne krog speciel og foretrukken til fiskeri efter bla. helleflynder med død eller levende agn, hvor den holder rigtig godt på agnfisken. Styrken gør den også eftertragtet til fiskeri efter Bill-fish (Tun, Marlin mfl.)


Kemisk skærpet krogspids og sort finish. 3X Wire tykkelse. Den lagerfører i 10/0 + 12/0 og der er 3 stk. kroger pr. pakke - hvilket er meget billigt sammenlignet med OWner og Gamakatsu!



Working closely with fisheries experts, charter and long range captains, Mustad® hook designers set out to create a new circle hook range that combines Mustad’s legendary strength with important new features to enhance performance. The new Demon® Perfect Circle Hooks are the only circle hooks with Precision Proportions™. This revolutionary design aspect means the point angle and length, gap, front length and all other parameters have the same proportions across the entire size range for maximum effectiveness. The range also boasts a new modified point design with a 96º angle which is optimum for insuring a high percentage of lip and jaw hooking.


During the course of hook design development, representatives of The Billfish Foundation were kept apprised of hook design goals, testing and development progress. Upon review of the final design, the organization has endorsed the new in-line Demon Perfect Circle Hooks because they are conservation compatible. The Billfish Foundation (TBF) is the only non-profit organization dedicated solely to conserving and enhancing billfish populations around the world. TBF’s comprehensive network of members and supporters includes anglers, captains, mates, tournament directors, clubs and sportfishing businesses. By coordinating efforts and speaking with one voice, we are able to work for solutions that are good for billfish and not punitive to recreational anglers.



Mustad Demon Circle
Model / str. J & F pris
Mustad Demon Circle 10/0 - 3 stk. pk. 49,- +
Mustad Demon Circle 11/0 - 3 stk. pk. 49,- +
Mustad Demon Circle 12/0 - 3 stk. pk. 49,- +


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